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Layout Editor User Guide >
   Dielectric Modelling       

Dielectric Modelling

(HFSS only)


For HFSS Setups, dielectrics can be created using either Dielectric or Signal layer types. Dielectric layers must be made of dielectric material and are uniform with no internal shapes. Dielectric layers will always be truncated according to the HFSS Model Extents. In contrast, Signal layers can be made of either dielectric or conducting materials and can have internal, user-drawn shapes to create what are sometimes called "dielectric bricks" or "dielectric inclusions." While sometimes called "bricks", there are no limitations on the dielectric shapes.

Signal layers that are assigned a dielectric material will create objects corresponding to whatever shapes exist on the layer. Signal layers may overlap other Signal layers in elevation, and this provides a great deal of flexibility for representing dielectric object. In the event that dielectrics on different Signal layers overlap, the Precedence Value on the EM Modeling Properties can be used to resolve ambiguities with lower values having priority. If EM Modeling Properties have not been added or cannot be used to resolve overlaps, precedence is assigned according to material properties. For more information, see Precedence Prioritizing.


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