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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Importing and Exporting Data >
   Exporting Data >
       Exporting Layout Data >
           GDSII Export               

GDSII Export

To export layout data, on the Layout menu, click Export File, this opens the Save As dialog. Selecting GDSII or GDSII (Stream) opens the GDSII Export dialog.



• Check an Include box for each Layer you wish to save. The number of layers chosen is displayed in the Number of layers selected box.

• Click Open to view the Property Mapping File.

• Click Layer Map to view the Layer Mapping File.

• Select No limit on the number of vertices or enter the Maximum number of vertices allowed in a polygon.

• Select the Hierarchy you wish to use:
-- Keep hierarchy specifies that the hierarchy is retained.
-- Flatten footprints only specifies that footprints are not a separate layer of hierarchy.
-- Flatten all specifies that there is only one level of hierarchy.

• Use the default Arc tolerance of 0.1mm or enter another, and click OK.

Text that is Hershey font will be exported as polygons, that is, the text is thickened.

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