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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
Introduction  >
   System Requirements       

System Requirements

Designer supports the following operating systems:

• Windows

• Linux

On all operating systems, when you run Designer for the first time, if the temp or project directories do not exist, or if the project directory is not specified in the registry, Designer displays a dialog that asks you to set the project and temp directories. Designer requires at least FLEXlm for the Ansoft v10.8.5 license server.



• Designer displays a warning message if the license file expires within 15 days.

• If you attempt to run Designer and get a message reporting a corrupted license file, please contact Ansoft Technical Support.

• Out-of-date OpenGL libraries are a common source of software instability and crashes. Please update your OpenGL libraries and graphics drivers for best performance. All operating systems must have 32-bit OpenGL libraries installed — regardless of whether the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit.


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