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   Running Designer From the Command Line       

Running Designer From the Command Line

When launched from the command line, Designer and Nexxim possess a number of options that may be specified. Please note that all command-line options and arguments are case-insensitive.


Command-line syntax

designer <options> <run command> <project name/script name>


Run Commands

Of the following run commands — BatchSave, BatchSolve, RunScript, RunScriptandExit — only one of these, or none at all, must be used when launching Designer/Nexxim from the command line.


-BatchSave <project file name>

Save project file name to the current version of Nexxim/Designer. Primarily used for converting version 3 projects to version 4 projects (which must be done using Windows before those projects can run on a Linux system). You can run BatchSave with the following options: -Iconic,
Logfile, and -ng (no graphics).



By default, solve all adaptive setups, sweeps, as well as Optimetrics setups found in the project file. If parallel solve is possible, you can use the
-Distribute option in conjunction with -BatchSolve. You can run this command with the -Iconic option, the -Logfile option, the - ng option (no graphics), and the -WaitForLicense option.

Additional parameters for batch solves include the following:

[designName] - batch solve all setups for design with the name given under the project.

[designName]:Nominal - batch solve all nominal setups for design with the name given under the project.

[designName]:Optimetrics - batch solve all Optimetrics setups for design with the name given under the project.

[designName]:Nominal:[setupname] - batch solve the specified nominal setup for design with the name given under the project. The setupname is case insensitive.

[designName]:Optimetrics:[setupname] - batch solve the specified Optimetrics setup for design with the name given under the project.The setupname is case insensitive.


-Local | -Remote | -Distribute

Perform the -Batchsolve on a local machine, a remote machine, or as a distributed solve using a specified machine list (see below). The settings persist only for the current session.

-MachineList list =“<machine1>, <machine2>, ...”

-MachineList file =“<machine list file path>”

Either form of the MachineList option can be used to indicate the machine(s) on which to run a distributed batchsolve. The settings persist only for the current session.


Example: C:\Designer\Designer.exe -distributed -machinelist list="," -batchsolve design_transient:Optimetrics "C:\distrib_project.adsn"


When using a file to define the machine available for a distributed solve, the machine addresses/names should be listed on separate lines:



-RunScript <script file name>

Run the specified script. You can use the -ScriptArgs option to specify one or more arguments to be passed to the script. You can also use the -Iconic option.


-RunScriptAndExit <script file name>

Run the specified script and exit. You can use the -ScriptArgs option (see below) to specify one or more arguments that are to be passed to script file name. You can also use the following options: -Iconic, -Logfile, and


Example: C:\Designer\designer.exe -runscriptandexit "c:\project1.vbs"
-scriptargs "Setup1"



The following command-line options are available when running Designer/Nexxim from the command line.



If no run command is specified, only the following options are available:
-Help and -Iconic.


Open a window that displays the different command-line options.


Run Designer/Nexxim with its main window iconified (minimized).

-LogFile <log file name>

Specify a log file (used in conjunction with -BatchSave or -BatchSolve or
-RunScriptAndExit). If no log file name is specified, a log file with the default name of <project_name>.log will be written to the directory in which the Designer/Nexxim project (or specified script file) is located.


Run Designer/Nexxim in non-graphical mode (used in conjunction with
-BatchSave or -BatchSolve).


Queue licenses (use in conjunction with -BatchSolve or

-ScriptArgs <scriptArguments>

Add arguments to the specified script (used in conjunction with -RunScript and -RunScriptAndExit).

ScriptArgs passes scriptArguments to script file name. You can pass multiple arguments to a script by enclosing the argument list in quotation marks. For instance, in the following example, Design1 is accepted by script file name as the first argument, and Setup1 is accepted as the second. Without quotation marks, Design1 is accepted as the first argument, and Setup1 is ignored.


Example: Designer -scriptargs "Design1 Setup1" -RunScriptAndExit c:\temp\test.vbs



The topics for this section include:

Batchoptions: TempDirectory

Batchoptions: Various Desktop Settings

Batchoptions: Project Directory and Lib Paths

Batchoptions: Designer and Designer-IE Options with Paths


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