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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Technical Notes >
       Design of Ideal Lumped and Distributed Element Filters           

Design of Ideal Lumped and Distributed Element Filters

Filters which consist of lumped elements such as inductors, capacitors, transformers and resistors are called “lumped element filters.” Filters containing distributed elements such as transmission lines, short-circuited stubs and open-ended stubs are called “distributed element filters.” Both of these types may or may not include inverters which are usually characterized by an equivalent section formed by the elements above. However, none of these filters contain active elements such as diodes, transistors or op-amps.


Designing such filters involves 5 steps which are simply referred as “synthesis”:

1. Determining specifications

2. Construction of approximating function, H(s)

3. Construction of input impedance function, Z11(s)

4. Finding poles and zeros of Z11(s)

5. Element Extraction

Depending on the complexity of the transfer function, the synthesis may sometimes be tedious and lengthy. Computer programs for filter synthesis have been developed which allows pole placement and selection of element extraction.


Most of the filters are approximated by Maximally Flat and Chebyshev functions. These filters make use of explicit formulas [1] which calculate the element values directly from specifications.


In this case, the design process reduces and changes into 3 steps:

1. Finding a suitable prototype circuit

2. Frequency mapping

3. Impedance denormalization


The topics for this section include:

Prototype Circuit

Frequency Mapping

Frequency Mapping Impedance Renormalization

Design Example

Ideal Filter Element References


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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