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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Compact FLP Data File >
       Two-Port Data >
           Noise Data               

Noise Data

Noise data may also be supplied using a header line that follows the network data:




NOI { RN | NC } [x]
[f1] fmin g1 g2 r1
[f2] fmin g1 g2 r1


RN signifies that the normalized equivalent noise resistance is given as r1
NC signifies that the noise figure in dB is given as r1
x is an optional reference normalization impedance whose default value is 50 ohms.

Each data line that follows begins with the frequency and is a separate data set, where

fmin = minimum noise figure in dB
g1 and g2 = magnitude and phase in degrees of the optimum noise input reflection coefficient
r1 = normalized equivalent noise resistance when the RN option is used or the noise figure in dB when the NC option is used.

The noise data does not require the same number of data sets as those given for the preceding network parameters data, however, the data set entries follow the same rules as the other data types.



The data set in this example is identified by the set name HPM02. The header indicates the frequency range of the S-parameter data and seven data points and reference termination of 50 ohms. The second header line explains that the data is for a transistor with parasitic lead inductances attached to the three terminals. The seven S-parameter data lines follow the header. Three noise data lines are appended to the end of the S-parameter data following an appropriate noise data header.

HPM02 6GHZ 12GHZ 7 50 1
HPMP with 0.2nH inductance connected to gate, drain and 0.1nH to source
* From the HP device library
6GHZ 0.732 -96.3 1.973 99.3 0.051 69.8 0.642 -26.0
7GHZ 0.699 -110.9 1.835 88.2 0.058 70.8 0.629 -30.3
8GHZ 0.673 -124.4 1.708 78.4 0.066 73.2 0.618 -34.8
9GHZ 0.644 -136.9 1.570 69.8 0.073 77.3 0.613 -39.5
10GHZ 0.622 -147.5 1.449 61.7 0.081 82.7 0.610 -44.9
11GHZ 0.616 -154.8 1.378 53.5 0.093 87.7 0.605 -51.1
12GHZ 0.623 -160.1 1.332 44.6 0.108 90.7 0.602 -58.1
1GHZ 2.4 .632 34.2 0.25
2GHZ 1.8 .758 68.4 0.36
4GHZ 2.6 .470 92.8 0.37

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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