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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Names, Numbers, and Constructs >
           Netlist Parameters               

Netlist Parameters

The netlist can define parameters or variables to represent temporary values. Netlist parameter names follow the rules for names given earlier. Netlist parameters can be global or local, depending on where in the netlist they are defined. Global netlist parameters are defined with a .PARAM statement in the main body of the netlist, as discussed in this section. Local netlist parameters are defined within a subcircuit definition, see Subcircuits.

The .PARAM statement has the following syntax:

.PARAM param_name = expression [param_name = expression ...]

Each .PARAM statement can define one or more netlist parameters. A netlist parameter can be referenced as a value or in an expression anywhere in the netlist, including subcircuit definitions. Global netlist parameter definitions can appear anywhere in the netlist. The same parameter-name can appear in two or more definitions. However, the last value assigned to any parameter is used everywhere in the netlist.

A reference to a global parameter anywhere in the netlist returns the value of the corresponding expression. A global parameter reference can precede or follow the statement that assigns the parameter a value (variable substitution occurs after the entire netlist has been parsed). A reference to a global netlist parameter that has not been given a value somewhere in the netlist results in an error.

Here is an example of a netlist parameter used to sweep the value of a resistor device:


R10 10 0 R=A*1000

.TRAN 1e-3 1e-2 SWEEP A POI 3 1 3 5

The SWEEP specification generates three simulations. In the first simulation, A is equal to 1 so that R10 has resistance 1000 ohms. In the second simulation, A is equal to 3 so that R10 has resistance 3000 ohms. In the third simulation, A is equal to 5 so that R10 has resistance 5000 ohms.

A parameter name cannot be a keyword such as TEMP.

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