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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Netlist File Structure >
           Statements >
               CONNECT Statement                   

CONNECT Statement

The CONNECT statement connects two nodes in the netlist. A CONNECT statement that appears inside a subcircuit definition is local to that subcircuit. The CONNECT statement syntax is:

.CONNECT visible_node invisible_node


After the CONNECT statement, only the first node, termed visible_node in the syntax above, is evaluated in the simulation. The second node, termed invisible_node in the syntax, is no longer recognized as a node name in netlist statements. For example:

.CONNECT n22 50

After this statement, references to node n22 also apply to node 50, while references to node 50 are no longer valid.


Multiple CONNECT statements can connect several nodes to one visible node. For example:

.CONNECT n22 50

.CONNECT 50 100

After these statements, references to node N22 also apply to nodes 50 and 100, while references to either node 50 or node 100 are no longer valid.


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