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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   CITIfile Format >
       CITIfile File Header           

CITIfile File Header

A CITIfile package must begin with a header. The header consists of the following entries, each occupying one or more lines.


CITIfile Version

The first line in the file identifies the version of the CITIfile format supported by Designer. This line must be the following:




CITIfile revision A.01.01 defines the statement type “CONSTANT” with or without an accompanying “COMMENT.” The Designer import facility will silently ignore all such lines.


Package Name

The second line gives a name for the package. This line is optional. The format is:

NAME name

For example:

NAME BJTInverter


The CITIfile reference defines several keywords for the NAME statement (such as DATA for error-corrected data). Designer does not interpret the NAME entry.


Frequency Information

The next line in the file identifies the data as dependent on frequency magnitude, and specifies the number of frequencies. The format for this line is:

VAR FREQ MAG number_of_freqs

For example, if the data is for ten frequencies, the VAR line would be:



Data Types

The next line or lines in the file define the types of the data. Each data type is defined in a line with the format:

DATA type format

The following DATA types are supported by Designer:

• S or S[port,port] (Scattering parameter data. S with no port identification is interpreted as S[1,1]. Explicit port identification such as S[1,2] is required for any other multi-port combination.)

• Y or Y[port,port] (Admittance parameter data. Y with no port identification is interpreted as Y[1,1]. Explicit port identification such as Y[1,2] is required for any other multi-port combination.)

• Z or Z[port,port] (Impedance parameter data. Z with no port identification is interpreted as Z[1,1]. Explicit port identification such as Z[1,2] is required for any other multi-port combination.)

• Zo or Zo[port] (Terminal characteristic impedance. Zo with no port identification is interpreted as Zo[1]. Explicit port identification such as Zo[2] is required for any port.)

• Zpi or Zpi[port] (Terminal characteristic impedance, power/current. Zpi with no port identification is interpreted as Zpi[1]. Explicit port identification such as Zpi[2] is required for any other port.)

• Gamma or Gamma[port] (Propagation constant parameters. Gamma with no port identification is interpreted as Gamma[1]. Explicit port identification such as Gamma[2] is required for any other port.)



Zpi is identical to Zo in Designer, and upon import, Zpi becomes Zo. The CITIfile should not specify both Zpi and Zo. If both Zo and Zpi are specified with different values, the values of Zpi take precedence.

The only DATA format supported is RI (real/imaginary).

There can be multiple DATA lines in the package. For example:

DATA S[1,1] RI
DATA Gamma[1] RI


Frequency List

The file header should contain a list of the frequencies at which the data were generated. The number of frequencies in the list should correspond to the number given in the VAR line described earlier. Two formats are supported for frequency listings: VAR_LISTs ande SEG_LISTs.

The VAR_LIST explicitly lists all the frequencies in Hz. The format is:






Here is an example with ten frequencies:


Instead of a VAR_LIST, the CITIfile can use a SEG_LIST. The SEG_LIST specifies a start frequency, stop frequency, and number of frequency points. The format is:


SEG start_freq stop_freq number_of_freqs


Designer converts the SEG_LIST into individual frequencies using the following formula:

Fn = start_freq + {(n-1) × [(stop_freq -start_freq) / (number_of_freqs -1)]}

The index n goes from 1 to number_of_frequencies. For example, to produce the same set of frequencies as the VAR_LIST given above, the SEG_LIST would be:


SEG 1000000000 10000000000 10


The VAR_LISTor SEG_LIST is the last item in the header.


A CITIfile header may contain only a single VAR_LIST or SEG_LIST. Designer does not support the use of multiple VAR_LISTS.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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