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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

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       Viewing Dynamic Link Geometry in the Layout Editor and a 3D View           

Viewing Dynamic Link Geometry in the Layout Editor and a 3D View

Geometry from dynamically linked HFSS & Q3D models can be viewed in the Designer layout editor and the 3D viewer. To do this, open the layout editor after inserting the HFSS or Q3D model into Designer, double click on the model to open the Properties dialog and check the “Model Graphics” checkbox on the Footprint tab. When you close the Properties dialog Designer will copy a snapshot of the HFSS or Q3D model into Designer that can be viewed in the layout or 3D editors. Note that if you change the model in HFSS or Q3D you will need to reload the model geometry into Designer by clicking the Reload Graphics button on the Footprint tab of the Properties dialog.

Designer respects the location and dimensions of the HFSS/Q3D model and places it accordingly in Designer’s layout. You can manipulate the view of the model in Designer by setting certain properties in the Properties dialog: shift the model in X & Y with the Location property; rotate the model with the Angle property; flip the model with the Flipped checkbox; and scale the model with the Scaling property. Colors and transparency used to display the dynamically linked model are those set in HFSS or Q3D.


The top-down and 3D views of dynamically linked models will be available only if the layout contains at least one stackup layer.


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