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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from HFSS >
           Transmission Lines Based on HFSS Data               

Transmission Lines Based on HFSS Data

A parameterized two port transmission line can be created in Designer based on an HFSS port solution. The characteristic impedance and propagation constant from a port in an HFSS design will be used along with a user input length to generate an S parameter matrix in Designer for a single mode transmission line. The resulting transmission line can be used like any other Designer component in the schematic editor.

To generate a transmission line based on an HFSS port solution, first add an HFSS design to a circuit or Nexxim schematic, then on the Project menu, point to Add Model, and then click Add HFSS Model. The HFSS Dynamic Link dialog opens.

Browse to the HFSS design that you want to use and choose the port for the propagation constant and characteristic impedance. On the Link Description tab, select the “Transmission line model” checkbox.

When you click OK a symbol is generated for the schematic:


The properties of this component will include all the properties from the HFSS model plus one called “HFSSLineLength”:


The variable “myLineLength” was created in Designer to vary the length of the transmission line.

Designer creates a single mode transmission line using the characteristic impedance and propagation constant from the HFSS design. The length of the line is “HFSSLineLength.” Port solution data from HFSS as a function of design parameters will be either interpolated or solved automatically depending on the status of the “Interpolate missing solutions/Simulate missing solutions” radio button.



Calculations of ZIN and ZOUT depend on the correct terminations and propagation constants. These results may not match the results in HFSS.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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