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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Dynamic Links in Workbench Mode           

Dynamic Links in Workbench Mode


To use dynamic links in Workbench mode:

1. Start Workbench.

2. Create an HFSS cell in a schematic, or import an HFSS design.

3. Add a Designer circuit.

4. Double-click on Designer Setup to start Designer.



5. To add HFSS as a dynamic link, switch to Designer and select Update Models from Workbench in the right-click menu of the Models folder.



This adds all dynamic links from the open workbench project.



• You should now be able to place and edit the dynamic links from Workbench.

• You can still add models in Standalone mode by right-clicking on the Models folder and selecting Add Model.

• Models created from Workbench have the following options disabled in the Dynamic Link dialog:

File name

Browse button

Unload project after use

Save project after simulate


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