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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

ANSYS Workbench Integration Overview >
   Workbench Data Integration Overview       

Workbench Data Integration Overview

Ansoft data-integrated applications can reside on a Workbench Project Schematic as shown below.

Objects, such as instances of Ansoft projects, that are placed on a Workbench Project Schematic are referred to as systems. Ansoft circuit/system products: Rmxprt 14.0, Designer 6.1, and Simplorer 10.0, appear on Workbench Project Schematics as systems with two “cells” – Setup and Solution. Ansoft field products: HFSS 14.0, Maxwell 14.0, and Q3D Extractor, add an additional Geometry cell. If you invoke ANSYS DesignXplorer to use variables for refining a design, a Parameters cell is added with a link to the associated Workbench Parameter Set. Refer to the ANSYS 14.0 Workbench help for details on working with systems, cells, and parameter sets.

Ansoft desktop products integrate with Workbench commands, services, and DesignXplorer in a similar manner. Here are some of the ways in which Ansoft products integrate with Workbench:

•  Adding new analysis systems

•  Importing existing desktop projects

•  Editing models

•  Analyzing models

•  Performing parameter studies

•  Scripting

In addition to these major features, Workbench also allows you to Archive, Save, Backup, Duplicate, and Delete Ansoft projects used in a Workbench project. Progress information and messages from integrated Ansoft projects are also displayed in Workbench.


Detailed information for how to use ANSYS Workbench 14.0 for these operations can be found in the ANSYS 14.0 documentation and online help.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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