Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:
HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup > Adding Frequency Sweeps > Setting up a Full-Wave SPICE Analysis > Guidelines for Calculating Frequencies for a Full-Wave SPICE Analysis
Guidelines for Calculating Frequencies for a
Full-Wave SPICE Analysis
When you export S-parameter data from Designer
to PSpice, HSpice,
or Maxwell Spice software, you are able
to perform a Full-Wave SPICE analysis. A Full-Wave SPICE analysis includes
full-wave effects in a circuit simulation. If you plan to perform a
Full-Wave SPICE analysis, use the Setup
for Full-Wave Spice dialog box to help determine a suitable
frequency sweep range for the solution - one that will capture the spectral
content of a desired impulse response.
The frequency
sweep ranges suggested in the Setup for Full-Wave Spice dialog
box are estimates. You may have a pulse with a wider frequency content
and Designer’s recommended frequency sweep range may miss some
of the high frequencies.
The maximum frequency of the frequency sweep range
should be at least five times the inverse of the rise and fall times.
If the specified frequency band is too wide, a frequency sweep may have
convergence problems. If this happens, try to decrease the maximum frequency
until the solution converges.
It is recommended, though not required, that the
minimum frequency of the frequency sweep be less than the maximum frequency
divided by the number of frequency steps. It is usually recommended
to have at least 500 frequency steps. A higher number will slightly
improve the Full-Wave Spice solution accuracy, but will also increase
CPU and memory requirements to solve the problem. For most cases, using
1000 frequency steps provides a good trade-off between the accuracy
and computational requirements.
Designer can fail to solve for the minimum frequency during a Discrete
frequency sweep due to a failure of the port solver to converge. If
this happens, try to increase the minimum frequency until the solution
process completes successfully. However, the minimum frequency should
be as low as possible because the low-frequency response determines
the steady-state time response.

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