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Nexxim Simulator > Output ECL Buffer
Netlist SyntaxB_OUTPUT_ECLxxx nd_pu nd_out nd_in [nd_pc nd_gc] + file='file_name' model='model_name' + buffer=12|output_ecl + [typ=typ|min|max|fast|slow] + [power=on|off] + [interpol=1|2] + [nowarn] + [xv_pu=state_pu] + [ramp_fwf=2|1|0] [ramp_rwf=2|1|0] + [fwf_tune=fwf_tune_value] [rwf_tune=rwf_tune_value] + [c_com_pu=c_com_pu_fraction] + [c_com_pc=c_com_pc_fraction] + [c_com_gc=c_com_gc_fraction] + [pu_scal=pu_scal_value] + [pc_scal=pc_scal_value] + [gc_scal=gc_scal_value] + [rwf_scal=rwf_scal_value] + [fwf_scal=fwf_scal_value] + [spu_scal=spu_scal_value] + [spd_scal=spd_scal_value] + [rm_dly_rwf=rm_dly_rwf_value] + [rm_dly_fwf=rm_dly_fwf_value] + [rm_tail_rwf=rm_tail_rwf_value] + [rm_tail_rwf=rm_tail_fwf_value] Node nd_pu is the pullup, nd_pd is the pulldown, nd_in is the logic input, nd_out is the output. Node nd_pc is the power clamp, nd_gc is the ground clamp, when present.
Notes[1] If any of the parameters RM_DLY_RWF, RM_DLY_FWF, RM_TAIL_RWF, or RM_TAIL_FWF is given a negative value, Nexxim sets the value to 0.0 with a warning. [2] If the values of RM_DLY_RWF and RM_DLY_FWF are not equal, Nexxim generates a warning, since the unequal values alter the duty cycle of the output waveform relative to what is specified by the IBIS file itself. The simulation will run. [3] If the value of RM_DLY_RWF, RM_DLY_FWF, RM_TAIL_RWF, or RM_TAIL_FWF is such that more than 10 percent of the original voltage transition is trimmed off, Nexxim generates a warning, but the simulation will run. [4] If the values of RM_DLY_RWF and RM_TAIL_RWF are such that fewer than three (3) data points are left in the resulting waveform, Nexxim ignores the settings and issues a warning. With fewer than three data points, ramp transitions may give better results. [5] If the values of RM_DLY_FWF and RM_TAIL_FWF are such that fewer than three (3) data points are left in the resulting waveform, Nexxim ignores the settings and issues a warning. With fewer than three data points, ramp transitions may give better results. [6] If the sum of RM_DLY_RWF and RM_TAIL_RWF is such that the entire rising waveform is removed, Nexxim halts with an error. [7] If the sum of RM_DLY_FWF and RM_TAIL_FWF is such that the entire falling waveform is removed, Nexxim halts with an error.
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