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Nexxim Simulator > Variable Sweep Netlist ExamplesThese examples show the various ways to specify a sweep using the different analysis types. DC Analyses with Sweeps This example performs DC analyses while sweeping the DC voltage of source VIN from zero to 5 Volts in increments of 1 Volt. .DC SWEEP VIN DC START=0.0 STOP=5.0 STEP=1.0 This example performs DC analyses while sweeping two DC voltages: VIN from zero to 5 Volts in increments of 1 Volt, and VREF from zero to 1 volt in 5 increments. .DC SWEEP VIN DC START=0.0 STOP=5.0 STEP=1.0 VREF DC LIN 5 0 1 Transient Analysis with Sweep Transient analysis has a built-in time sweep that is part of the basic syntax. This example performs a series of transient analyses from time 0 to one microsecond in increments of 1 nanosecond, with the temperature sweeping over 10 values from 10 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius at each time point. .TRAN 1e-12 1e-6 SWEEP TEMP LIN 10 10 30 Harmonic Balance with Sweep These two examples run single-tone harmonic balance analyses with an input frequency of 1000 Hz over seven harmonics, changing the value of the area of BJT Q34 from 0.00005 to 0.00020 meter in increments of 0.00005 meter for each analysis. The first example uses a defined .PARAM to create the area sweep variable: .PARAM bjtarea=1e-4 .Q34 10 10 0 0 bjtmodel1 AREA=bjtarea .MODEL bjtmodel1 npn level=1 ... $ Remainder of circuit not shown .HB TONES=1000 MAXK=7 + SWEEP bjtarea START=0.5e-4 STOP=2.0e-4 STEP=5.0e-5 The second harmonic balance example sweeps the AREA instance parameter directly. The effect is the same as in the previous example. .Q34 10 10 0 0 bjtmodel1 .MODEL bjtmodel1 npn ... $ Remainder of circuit not shown .HB TONES=1000 MAXK=7 + SWEEP Q34 AREA START=0.5e-4 STOP=2.0e-4 STEP=5.0e-5 Linear Network Analysis with Sweep Linear network analysis also has a built-in frequency sweep. The following example combines linear network analysis over a single decade with ten logarithmically-distributed frequencies, with a linear sweep of an inductance value over five values at each frequency. .LNA DEC 10 5e8 5e9 flag=’LNA’ + SWEEP L2 L START=0.0 STOP=0.2 STEP=0.05 .PRINT AC V(1) V(2) Oscillator and Phase Noise Analysis with Sweep Oscillator analysis has a phase noise option that can employ a sweep of temperature or other variable in addition to its built-in sweep of frequency. The following example combines oscillator phase noise analysis over ten linear frequency values with a temperature sweep of five points. .OSC TONES=1E6 MAXK=3 NOISE_OUTPUT=[V(NET_3),I(VD)]
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