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Nexxim Simulator > Transient Analysis Netlist SyntaxTo execute transient analysis simulation on a circuit, add a .TRAN statement to the netlist. The syntax for the basic .TRAN statement is: .TRAN step stoptime All transient analyses start at time 0. The step argument is a suggested initial step size and also influences the maximum step size that will be used. The stoptime argument sets the end of the transient solution interval. For example, to execute a transient analysis on an interval from time zero to one microsecond with a suggested initial step size of one nanosecond: .TRAN 1e-9 1e-6 Transient Analysis Accuracy Syntax Two arguments on the Transient Analysis statement provide broad control over the tradeoff between speed and accuracy: .TRAN step stoptime The ERRPRESET argument overrides the settings for several options that control the tradeoff between speed and accuracy.
The RELREF argument controls how the norms are computed for the delta check, function check, and LTE checks. Point-local means the norm is local to the signal and to the time step. Local means the norm is local to the signal but considers the maximums over all time-steps. Global means the norm is global for the entire circuit over all time-steps. The settings for relref are: pointlocal = Point-local for delta, function, and LTE alllocal = Local for delta, function, and LTE sigglobal = Local for function, global for delta & LTE allglobal = Global for delta, function, and LTE Transient Analysis Noise Syntax To enable transient noise analysis, the .TRAN statement takes additional arguments. .TRAN step stoptime
Transient Analysis File Arguments Arguments are available to read and write initial and final state information from files. .TRAN step stoptime READ_STATE reads the initial values of node voltages from the specified file. WRITE_FINAL_STATE writes the final values of node voltages to the sepcified file. WRITE_INITIAL_STATE writes the initial values of node voltages to the sepcified file. See File References for details on references to external files. HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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