Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:
Layout Editor User Guide > Configuring a Stackup > Setting Layer Associations
Setting Layer Associations
Specify layer associations if you want to match a Planar
EM design to a similar, but not identical Planar EM design. The outcome
of the matched layers depends upon which layer of a structure - top
or bottom - you add the design.
1. In the Edit Layers
window, click the Layers tab.
2. The column with the up and down arrows icon indicates layer
associations. Select one of the following associations from the pull-down
The layer is associated with the
top surface.
For example, if a subcircuit is added to the top
layer of a stackup, the subcircuit’s top-associated
layers are mapped to the stackup’s top-associated
layers. The subcircuit’s neither-associated
layers are subsequently mapped to layers of the same type (e.g., signal
to signal,) beginning at the top and moving downward.
If a subcircuit is added to the bottom layer of
a stackup, this mapping is reversed; top-associated
layers are mapped to bottom-associated
layers and neither-associated layers
are mapped to like layers, beginning at the bottom and moving upward.
The layer is associated with the
bottom surface.
For example, if a subcircuit is added to the top
layer of a stackup, the subcircuit’s bottom-associated
layers are mapped to the stackup’s bottom-associated
layers. The subcircuit’s neither-associated
layers are subsequently mapped to layers of the same type (e.g., signal
to signal,) beginning at the top and moving downward.
If a subcircuit is added to the bottom layer of
a stackup, this mapping is reversed; bottom-associated
layers are mapped to top-associated
layers. The subcircuit’s neither-associated
layers are subsequently mapped to layers of the same type, beginning
at the bottom and moving upward.
The layer is not associated with
a top or bottom surface. Neither-associated
layers are mapped to layers of the same type.
For example, if a subcircuit is added to the top
layer of a stackup, the subcircuit’s neither-associated
layers are mapped to layers of the same type (e.g., signal to signal,)
beginning at the top and moving downward. If a subcircuit is added to
the bottom layer of a stackup, this mapping is reversed; neither-associated layers are mapped to
like layers, beginning at the bottom and moving upward.

Ansoft Designer 中文教程