Hi,i constructed a multilayer rectangular DRA, but...
Hi all,CST has acquired Microstripes from Flomeric...
Hi allI simulated a structure using CST and now I ...
currently im doing a single-fed EM coupled ring re...
does anyoane simulated an rf mems capacitive switc...
Hi everyone, I would like to ask for help. I ...
Please, I need SRR file using CST.thanx PS: SRRpl...
Now I‘m studying on planar antenna based on metama...
Dear Please help me to get E-plane and H-plane pat...
I want to find the bandgap of periodic structure u...
Hi everyoneI would like to design a 50 ohms balun ...
Hi,I want to calculate and draw SE(Shielding Effec...
Hello everybody,I have a problem.Is it possible in...
Hello,I am trying to reproduce the results from th...
Hi, I am doing some antennas simulation inside dif...
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