Hello All,I am trying to simulate a unit cell of m...
My final project is about the design of the helica...
Dear all:I encounted some problems when simulate a...
Hello evrybody,I just want to know how to consider...
hi all,i have little question of csthow can i polt...
is there a way of using a point source as an excit...
Hi, I am a new user for the CST MWS 2008. I am t...
Hello!I am trying to simulate an Leaky Coaxial Cab...
Hello, has some books, papers or information how I...
Apparently my CST studio suite 2010 license does n...
i am interested in finding the reflection phase of...
Hello guys!I have designed 2 printed antennas (tel...
Hi, Has anyboydy here seen this error? :"The calcu...
Hello,I have ordered a GPU based workstation for m...
what i want to see is the variation of S11 with di...
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