hello guys...i have a project to design a circular...
i randomly simulated coil in cst.the result is nex...
Hi All, Who have the sample file of CST progr...
Hi,I‘m simulating a simple microstrip structure (p...
During the transient solverThe error show this "So...
Hi everybody!I have had some problems while i simu...
Hi guys,I am trying to model an array system and c...
Hi allI define a sphere in CST MWS and a plane wav...
Hi, I am a PCB Designer. Now i want to simulate Si...
I need 2 use 61 v/m rms electric field plane wave....
hi,this is emergency please help meive got a probl...
Hi, I have a multilayered problem to solve. But t...
Hi,When we design an antenna in CST or HFSS, we de...
Hi Everyone,I am currently using CST, and I would ...
Hi,I am trying to design the Sinuous antenna in CS...
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