I am trying to model and simulate the effects of a...
Hello. I did a lot of research about this without ...
画一条抛物线 旋转 闭环 然后呢 能附上操作图就好了 谢谢大家用CST的话我知道具体步骤,我把方法发...
please help me how to design a metamaterial struct...
everytime i changes frequency range, s1,1 curve al...
Hi every body i write a code of macro and i want t...
Dear Piboo,I‘m working on a structure similar to t...
Hi everyone. I want to discuss about the impact of...
Hello guysi have designed a Pifa that works in 900...
Anyone can help me for the above? ThanksOne can fi...
I am trying to simulate a power Wilkinson Divider ...
i wonder if how to maesure L value of Secondary in...
我用CST仿真微带天线,结果看不明白,请教各位怎么看轴比,另外微带天线的带宽一般是s参数在 -1...
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