Manage Projects

File: Manage Projects

This dialog box allows you to manage existing CST project.

Look in

 Displays the path of the current directory of the embedded explorer. You can change the directory path using the 'Browse for folder' dialog box which pops up when you click on  "..." button.

Show folders

Show or hide folders in the embedded explorer.

Show project folders

Show or hide only CST project folders in the embedded explorer.


Project information frame

This frame shows useful information about the selected CST project.


Organize project frame

This frame offers you the following operations on the selected CST project..

Delete: Clicking this button will delete both the project file and the project folder will be removed.

Rename: Clicking this button opens a dialog box  where you can rename the selected project.

Copy: Clicking this button opens a dialog box where you can browse for a folder and where you can enter a name to save a copy of the project. After you press the Save button, the selected project file and folder will be copied.

Move: Clicking this button opens a dialog box where you can browse for a destination folder and where you can enter a new name for the project. After you press the Save button, the selected project file and folder will be moved.


Pack project into CST file frame

Within this frame you can choose the settings for archiving the selected project and then pack the project into the CST file.

Delete project folder:  Choose this option to remove the project folder. This check box is only enabled if any results are included in the archive, otherwise this check box is disabled and set to true i.e. the project folder will be deleted definitely by archiving the project.

Keep all results:  Choose this option to keep all results of the project. Note: If this check box is disabled then you can choose to keep the calculated 1D results and/or the calculated farfield data.

Keep 1D results:  Checking this option box will include all 1D results in the archive. This check box is only enabled if the Keep all  results check box is disabled.

Keep farfield data:  Checking this option box will include all farfield data in the archive. This check box is only enabled if the Keep all  results check box is disabled.

Archive: By pressing this button, the selected project will be archived in the CST file using the selected settings. Assure if  you really want to delete the project folder.



Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.