InputBox$ Function

InputBox[$](Prompt$[, Title$][, Default$][, XPos, YPos])
Group: User Input
Display an input box where the user can enter a line of text. Pressing the OK button returns the string entered. Pressing the Cancel button returns a null string.
Parameter Description

Prompt$ Use this string value as the prompt in the input box.
Title$ Use this string value as the title of the input box. If this is omitted then the input box does not have a title.
Default$ Use this string value as the initial value in the input box. If this is omitted then the initial value is blank.
XPos When the dialog is put up the left edge will be at this screen position. If this is omitted then the dialog will be centered.
YPos When the dialog is put up the top edge will be at this screen position. If this is omitted then the dialog will be centered.

Sub Main
L$ = InputBox$("Enter some text:", _
"Input Box Example","asdf")
.Print L$