Format User Defined Date

The following date formats may be used with the Format function. Date formats may be combined to create the user defined date format. User defined date formats may not be combined with other user defined formats or predefined formats.
Parameter Description

: insert localized time separator
/ insert localized date separator
c insert ddddd ttttt, insert date only if t=0, insert time only if d=0
d insert day number without leading zero
dd insert day number with leading zero
ddd insert abbreviated day name
dddd insert full day name
ddddd insert date according to Short Date format
dddddd insert date according to Long Date format
w insert day of week number
ww insert week of year number
m insert month number without leading zero
insert minute number without leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mm insert month number with leading zero
insert minute number with leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mmm insert abbreviated month name
mmmm insert full month name y insert day of year number
yy insert year number (two digits)
yyyy insert year number (four digits, no leading zeros)
h insert hour number without leading zero
hh insert hour number with leading zero
n insert minute number without leading zero
nn insert minute number with leading zero
s insert second number without leading zero
ss insert second number with leading zero
ttttt insert time according to time format
AM/PM use 12 hour clock and insert AM (hours 0 to 11) and PM (12 to 23)
am/pm use 12 hour clock and insert am (hours 0 to 11) and pm (12 to 23)
A/P use 12 hour clock and insert A (hours 0 to 11) and P (12 to 23)
a/p use 12 hour clock and insert a (hours 0 to 11) and p (12 to 23)
AMPM use 12 hour clock and insert localized AM/PM strings
\c insert character c
"text" insert literal text