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Dielectric Resonator AntennaTransient Analysis Examples - Antennas
General Description
This example shows the calculation of scattering parameters, the farfield, the electric field and the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of a dielectric resonator antenna located on a ground plane of PEC material.
Structure Generation
The dielectric resonator antenna is created by bricks, spheres and cylinders of PEC or dielectric material. An outer hemisphere of dielectric material is located on the PEC ground plane. An inner hemisphere of PEC material is embedded in the center of the outer hemisphere. The antenna is fed by a coax connection through the ground plane.
Solver Setup
For the excitation a wave guide port at the beginning of the coax line is defined. All calculation domain boundary conditions are set to "open" except the one with the ground plane. A magnetic symmetry plane is defined to reduce the calculation time. An electric field monitor allows the visualization of the electric field distribution at a resonance frequency after the simulation. In addition, the farfield characteristics of the antenna are recorded with a farfield monitor at the same resonance frequency.
Post Processing
The farfield can be found in Farfields
Finally, the VSWR is calculated to show the impedance mismatch of the antenna over the given frequency range. It can be found in the 1D Results folder in the navigation tree. There, the scattering parameters and the time signals can be found as well. HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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