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Thermal Sources

Several different source types are available for the thermal solvers:



A temperature source can be assigned only to a perfect thermal conductor (PTC). One can choose between a fixed temperature value and a floating temperature. A floating temperature is a constant temperature distribution with zero heat flow from the associated surface.


Heat Source

A heat source can be assigned only to a perfect thermal conductor (PTC). It defines the total heat flow from a PTC surface.


Volume Heat Source

A volume heat source can be assigned to a non-PTC solid. It defines either the whole amount of emitted heat in W or the emitted heat density in W/m3. This source type is equivalent to rms volume loss evenly distributed within the solid volume.


Thermal Loss Distribution

Current fields inside electric finite conductive materials cause thermal losses. These current fields can be imported and used as thermal sources inside thermal conductive materials.

Available source fields are the stationary current field, the low frequency current field (eddy currents), HF current density fields from CST MICROWAVE STUDIO or crashed particle loss distributions from CST PARTICLE STUDIO.


Thermal Surface Properties

Thermal surface properties can be assigned to surfaces of thermal conductive materials. A thermal surface property definition describes the radiation and convection losses from a surface.



See also

Thermal Stationary Solver Overview, Thermal Transient Solver Overview

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