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Special Thermal Stationary Solver Settings

Simulation: SolverStart SimulationSpecials

This dialog box offers the possibility to define special settings for the thermal stationary solver.

Solver type

Drop down list to specify the solver type used to solve linear systems of equations. This list is enabled if tetrahedral mesh type has been selected. Available options are:

Auto: The solver type is automatically set depending on the problem size (recommended)

Iterative: An iterative solver is used.

Direct: A direct solver is used.

Solver order

This option allows to specify whether the stationary thermal solver with tetrahedral mesh uses first-, second- or third-order accuracy. Second-order is the default due to its good compromise between accuracy and memory efficiency. However, if the structure is geometrically complex and therefore comes along with huge memory requirements, first-order is an alternative. On the other hand, third-order accuracy delivers a better solution for coarsely discretized problems.


This button opens the Special Mesh Properties dialog, where the curved element order can be specified.

Nonlinear accuracy

Select here the desired accuracy for the nonlinear calculation cycle.

Maximum iterations

The number of iterations performed by the linear solver is automatically limited by a number depending on the desired solver accuracy. If you would like to prescribe a fixed upper limit for number of linear iterations, deactivate the "Automatic" checkbox and enter a positive number in the edit field.

PTCs without Sources

Select if PTC solids without an assigned source definition carry a fixed temperature value or a floating temperature value.


Select if biological material properties should be taken into account for the thermal simulation (blood perfusion coefficient and basal metabolic heat rate). Available only for hexahedral mesh type.

Blood temperature

Define the reference temperature for the blood perfusion mechanism.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Thermal Stationary Solver Parameters, Thermal Stationary Solver Overview, Bioheat equation

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