S-Parameter Symmetries
Solver Start Simulation S-parameter list
This dialog offers the possibility of defining specific
symmetries concerning the reflection and transmission behavior of propagating
signals based on some given structure symmetries. To save simulation time,
the transient solver will perform only the minimum number of necessary
simulation runs, all the remaining results (S-parameter as well as time
signals) are copied due to the defined symmetry conditions.
Symmetry list
Here, all occurring port combinations
are listed in the reference column, representing either the reflection
behavior at one port (e.g., 1,1) or the transmission behavior of one port
to another (e.g., 2,1). The latter is assumed to be identical in both
directions (e.g., 2,1 and 1,2) and thus appear only once in the list.
By selecting several rows, the desired symmetry condition can be set using
the Set symmetry button. All defined symmetry sets
are then displayed in the symmetry column highlighted in different
colors marking the port combinations that belong together.
Set symmetry
this button defines a symmetry set for all selected port combinations
in the symmetry list. It is necessary to select at least two rows to define
a valid set.
Pressing this button deletes
all previously made symmetry entries only for the selected rows, all other
settings remain.
Reset all
This button resets the complete
symmetry list, i.e., all previously made symmetry entries will be deleted.
Accepts the input and closes
the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without
performing any further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Transient Solver Parameters,
in Time Domain Simulations

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