Adaptive Mesh Refinement (Eigenmode)
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[Adaptive mesh refinement, Properties...]
The mesh adaptation properties dialog box allows you
to change the parameters used for the three-dimensional adaptive mesh
refinement. Please note that the adaptive mesh refinement is only active
when the corresponding button is checked in the Eigenmode
Solver Parameters dialog box.
The adaptive mesh refinement is an automatic scheme
to create a mesh better suited for the given problem. With the refined
mesh a new calculation pass will be started. Here, the initial mesh is
automatically generated by the expert system and is used for the first
pass calculation. Afterwards, the adaptive mesh refinement improves the
mesh up to a given accuracy of the eigenmode frequency variation. This
accuracy is given by the Accuracy setting in the Eigenmode
Solver Parameters dialog box. A setting of 0.01 means that the mesh
adaptation stops if the maximum variation of the frequencies between two
subsequent passes is below this limit. This check is performed for the
desired number of eigenmodes.
The mesh refinement strategy successively changes
the settings of the mesh expert system such that finally an appropriate
mesh is obtained that can be used afterwards for further parameter studies
without activating the adaptive meshing again.
Maximum frequency variation
The convergence error (Delta
F) is determined as the maximum variation of the eigenmode frequencies
between two subsequent passes.
Minimum number of passes
This is the minimum number of passes that will
be performed, even if the eigenmode frequencies do not change significantly.
Maximum number of passes
This setting determines the maximum number of
passes to be performed for the mesh adaptation, even if the eigenmode
frequencies have not sufficiently converged. This setting is useful to
limit the total calculation time to reasonable amounts.
Mesh increment
This parameter determines the changing of the
mesh expert system by increasing the settings of Lines
per wavelength and Lower mesh
limit in the Mesh
Properties dialog box.
Number of modes to check
Determines the number of eigenmodes used for
the frequency converge check.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any
further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Solver Parameters

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