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Excitation Signal

Simulation: Sources and LoadsSignalNew Excitation Signal

This dialog offers the possibility of defining a new excitation signal in form of an excitation function.

Name and type definition

The Signal name is either generated automatically or user-defined. It can be modified on defining a new signal. To rename an already existing signal, use the Rename option in the respective context menu.

The Signal type drop-down list offers a variety of excitation functions each of which can be chosen to define the signal. You can choose between pre-defined excitation functions (Gaussian shaped, rectangular shaped, double exponential, sine step, smooth step as common functions and sine function heavyside step, polynomial step, exponential step or constant as low frequency functions) or as a freely editable VBA-based user-defined excitation function. Alternatively, it is also possible to import an ASCII file containing signal data points. Further information concerning the available signal types can be found here.

Note: A user defined excitation function must first be edited inside the integrated VBA-editor. The related VBA-macro is created and opened by the editor via the Edit... button. After finishing the editing process, please make sure that the VBA-macro is saved to file.

To import a table with signal data points, use the Browse... button and select a text file with a two-column signal description, where the first column represents the time values in seconds. Please note that you have to activate the Import signal type to enable this functionality.

Imported and user defined signals are always interpreted in the unit seconds.

Signal settings

In this frame the details for the chosen function type can be specified.

Fmin / Fmax: Frequency interval for the Gaussian shaped excitation function.

Ttotal / Trise / Thold / Tfall: Timing definitions for the rectangular excitation function.

Ttotal / Trise / Arise [%]: Duration, rise time, and rise amplitude (in per cent notation) settings for the smooth step functions.

Ttotal / Phase / Frequency / Trise: Duration, phase, frequency and rise time settings for the Sine step functions.

Ttotal / Voffset / Frequency: Duration, vertical offset and frequency settings for the sine excitation function (only available for low frequency excitation signals).

Ttotal / Astart / Aend / Cexp: Duration, start amplitude, end amplitude and exponential constant settings for the exponential step function (only available for low frequency excitation signals).

Ttotal: Total time for the definition of the user defined excitation function.

Ttotal / Trise / Thold / Tfall / Tperiod / Amplitude / Offset: Timing definitions for the trapezoidal excitation function.

Frequency: Frequency setting for the Impulse function.

Min. samples: Minimum number of samples to be generated for the user defined excitation function. This number should be a positive one and smaller (for algorithmic reason) than 30000.

Periodic signal: Check this to apply an Imported ASCII table periodically.



Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Performs your setting, without closing the dialog box so that you can preview your signal or enter another time signal.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Excitation Functions, Excitation Signal View, Excitation Signal Library

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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