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Asymptotic Solver Defaults

Simulation: Solver Start Simulation Settings Defaults

This dialog box allows you to reset the custom solver settings to one of the predefined default configurations. This might be useful if you want to use a particular default, but then tweak some of the solver settings for optimized performance or accuracy.


Low accuracy

Select this default configuration to optimize the solver settings for fast simulations at the expense of potentially reduced accuracy.

Medium accuracy

Select this default configuration in order to obtain a reasonable compromise of simulation speed and accuracy for most applications.

High accuracy

Select this default configuration for potentially higher accuracy at the expense of slower simulations.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Asymptotic Solver Overview, Asymptotic Solver Settings, Asymptotic Solver Parameters, Asymptotic Solver Specials (SBR), Asymptotic Solver Specials (SBR Raytubes)


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