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Adaptive Hexahedral Mesh Refinement (Frequency Domain)

Simulation: Solver Start Simulation Adaptive mesh refinement, Properties

The adaptive mesh refinement properties dialog box allows you to change the parameters used for the three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement. Please note that the adaptive mesh refinement is only active when the corresponding button is checked in the frequency domain solver parameters dialog box.

The adaptive mesh refinement is an automatic scheme to create a mesh better suited for the given problem. With the refined mesh, a new calculation pass will be started.

For the hexahedral mesh, the initial mesh is automatically generated by the expert system and is used for the calculation in the first pass. Afterwards, the adaptive mesh refinement improves the mesh until the S-parameter convergence criterion is met. For a given mesh, the linear equation system solver accuracy setting in the frequency domain solver parameters dialog box influences the S-parameter accuracy of a single pass as well as the broadband frequency sweep threshold, if active. Please note that these accuracy settings will control the S-parameter accuracy and simulation time of a single pass.

The refinement strategy is expert system based and successively changes the settings of the mesh expert system, so that finally an appropriate mesh is obtained, which can be used afterwards for further parameter studies without activating the adaptive meshing again.

Number of passes frame

Minimum: This is the minimum number of passes that will be performed, even if the S-parameters do not change significantly.

Maximum: This setting determines the maximum number of passes to be performed for the mesh adaptation, even if the S-parameters have not sufficiently converged. This setting is useful to limit the total calculation time to reasonable amounts. Because the S-parameter convergence is determined as the maximum error, a small shift in a pole location may result in a strong change of the S-parameters at the pole’s frequency, especially in strongly resonant structures.

Convergence criteria frame

Maximum Delta S: The S-parameter error (Delta S) is determined as the maximal deviation of the absolute value of the complex difference of the S-parameters between two subsequent passes.

Special refinement settings frame

Lines per wavelength increment: The parameter determines the changing of the mesh expert system by increasing the settings of Lines per wavelength and Lower mesh limit in the Mesh Properties dialog box. This setting applies to the expert system based adaptive hexahedral mesh refinement only.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Resets all dialog parameters to the their default settings.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Frequency Domain Solver Parameters

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