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Renormalize S-Parameter

Post Processing: Signal Post Processing S-Parameter Calculations Renormalize S-Parameter...

S-Parameters are calculated for every port, or every input/output channel of the project; these always have a reference impedance. This dialog box offers recalculation with a new reference impedance; therefore, all of the ports including the reference impedances are listed. For a full recalculation, the complete set of s-parameters is necessary. Anyway, a recalculation on a subset of S-Parameters can be done if all port modes that were not excited are excluded.

(To calculate all S-Parameters, enter the Transient Solver dialog box and select All in the Port entry field.)

To assign a new reference impedance to a port, select it in the List of Ports, enter the new impedance value in the New Z Norm field, and finally press RETURN to set the value.

List of ports

The List of Ports gives you an overview of all the ports.

Several characteristics are listed here, such as port number, mode, mode type and the related impedances.


In this column, the port number identifying the port is displayed.


The mode pattern for which S-Parameters and reference impedance are calculated is listed here.


The mode type which can be one of the following : TE, TM, TEM, Quasi TEM and Unknown, is added here.


The wave impedance (E/H) is listed here.


The line impedance for TEM and Quasi TEM modes is listed here.


The currently used reference impedance is shown here.

N Flag

The N–Flag shows you whether or the reference impedance varies with frequency (VAR) or not (CONS).

Normalization Imp.

Enter a new reference impedance for a previously selected port here. The new reference impedance is set as soon as the RETURN key is pressed.


Resets each reference impedance to its original value.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Transient Field Solver, S-Parameter Overview

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