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Q-Factor Calculation

Post Processing: 2D/3D Field Post Processing Loss and Q

You may calculate surface losses and dielectric losses as a postprocessing step after a transient, frequency domain or eigenmode solver run. See Loss and Q Calculation for technical details.

First, you must select an H-field (e.g. from a loss-free eigenmode calculation). Then, each material defined as PEC during the solver run can be set to a finite conductivity. The conductivity or tangent delta for dielectric materials have to be set before the solver run in the Material Parameters Dialog Box.

After pressing the Calculate button, the losses and Qs will be returned for all solids. All results are summed up for each material and for the total model.

H-Field data

Select here the H-field from your loss-free calculation. All available H-fields are listed, e.g., eigenmodes or H-field monitors.

Materials and solids frame

This table contains all information about the performed loss calculation.

Material: In this column, all primary PEC material names, dielectric losses, as well as some summation expressions are listed. You can modify each PEC material or the conducting enclosure properties by double-clicking it or by clicking the Modify button. Beside the PEC material names, you will find the following information:

**Sum** means the sum of losses for all materials including the dielectric losses as well as the surface losses.

**Sum of Surface Losses** means the sum of the surface losses occurring in all materials primary defined as PEC, including the background and boundary (conducting enclosure).

**Cond. Enclosure** means only the conducting enclosure given by background material as well as the boundaries, but only if they are primary defined as PEC.

**Volume Losses** means the dielectric losses due to the conductivity of normal material (not PEC), defined before the solver was started.

Solid: This column lists all solids consisting of the above listed material. By default, solids are hidden for better clarity. To hide/unhide solids, select the corresponding material name and click the Hide/Unhide button.

Conductivity: The conductivity to be used in this postprocessing step for the respective material. It can be set by clicking the Modify button.

Mue: The relative permeability to be used in this postprocessing step for the respective material. It can be set by clicking the Modify button.

Loss: The loss resulting from this postprocessing step.

Q: The Q-factor resulting from this postprocessing step. It is output only if the corresponding loss is greater than zero.


Opens the Modify Material Properties dialog box. Here, you may modify settings for conductivity and mue for the selection. This button is only active if a material name or **Cond. Enclosure** is selected. Instead of using this button, you may double-click the desired material name.

Modify all...

Opens the Modify Material Properties dialog box. Here, you may make settings for conductivity and mue. These settings are then set for all materials and the enclosure. Instead of using this button, you may also double-click **Sum**.

Hide / Unhide

Hides or unhides the solids for the selected material name.

Hide / Unhide All

Hides or unhides all solids.


Executes the postprocessing power calculation. This button will be disabled after the calculation has finished. It will be enabled again after you modify any settings.


Opens a Dialog Box for special settings concerning the Q-factor calculation.


Exports the results to an ASCII file.


Closes the dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Q-Factor Special Settings, Modify Material Properties, Loss and Q Calculation Overview

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