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AR-Filter Results 

Post Processing: Signal Post Processing Time Signals AR Filter for Port Signals... [Start]
Post Processing: Signal Post Processing Time Signals AR Filter for Probe Signals... [Start]
Post Processing: Signal Post Processing Time Signals AR Filter for Monitors... [Start]

This dialog box prints out a summary of all calculated AR-filters. It appears after an AR-filter calculation has been completed and can be closed by pressing the OK button.

Each calculation consists of a header containing basic information about the calculation and a list of successfully calculated AR-filters, including important information for each filter.

Settings of the AR-filter dialog box

First time step: The first time step from which the filter determination starts.

Skip time steps: The number of time steps skipped after a filter has been found and before the next filter will be determined.

Max. frequency: Maximum frequency of the low pass filter

Max. order of filter: The number of recursive filter elements

Relative window length: Length of the analyzed time interval relative to the maximum number of elements.

Input signal samples

The number of significant time signal samples is listed here.

Input signal length

The length of the time signal used while the filter is determined is displayed here.

Filter determination table

Step: The number of the filter for a certain window range.

Window range: Range of the time signal used for the filter determination.

Rel. wnd. length: Length of the analyzed time interval relative to the maximum number of elements.

Filter order: Order of AR-filter.

Energy error: Energy error of the determined AR-filter signal, calculated as follows:


    cerr  = energy error

    N =  number of time samples

    nfirst = index of first time step

    nlast = index of last time step

    sAR  = AR-filter signal

    s =  time signal

Pulses to calculate: The part of the input signal relative to the input signal length that must be calculated without using the AR-filter as break-off criterion. Please note that if running the AR-filter analysis for port signals online, i.e., while the transient solver is running, the number of pulses to calculate may be significantly lower than the actual number of pulses needed to break off the solver run. The reason, therefore, is the frequency of the online AR-filter analysis runs. This frequency may be varied by changing the "Pulse widths between checks" setting in the Special Solver Parameters - AR-Filter dialog box.

At the end of the table, it is listed which filter is used for the calculation of the S-parameters, probe or monitor spectra respectively.

Average deviation in s-parameter  energy balance / probe spectra / monitor spectra

The deviation of the S-parameter energy balance, the probe spectra or the monitor spectra for the current stimulation port is listed here respectively.


Closes the AR-filter results dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

AR-Filter, Signals in Time Domain Simulations Overview

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