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Yield Analysis Overview

Design parameters always vary in a certain tolerance region (e.g. by a normal distribution) during the manufacturing process. Therefore it is of interest to which percentage the design specifications are fulfilled. The yield analysis computes an expected percentage of that type. For instance 100 p.c. yield means no failure can be expected during the manufactoring process, whereas 0 p.c. yield would be a complete failure of the production. In the current implementation of the yield analysis we assume that the design parameter variations are small in a way that the linearization via the sensitivity analysis is valid. Therefore a yield analysis can only be applied after a successful run of the sensitivity analysis.

The results of the yield analysis are on the one hand the expected percentage of fulfilled design specifications (i.e. yield) and on the other hand the scattering parameters at the nominal design parameter value with an upper and lower bound of the scattering parameter over the broadband frequency range. These results can be accessed via the 1D Results (S-Parameter Yield).

See also

Yield Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis Overview, Sensitivity Analysis

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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