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Thermal Stationary Result Overview

The stationary solver creates all results automatically after the simulation process was finished. This means it is not necessary to define any monitors in advance.



1D Results


The convergence curve shows the residual of the linear or nonlinear solver versus iteration step. The gradient of the curve indicates if the linear equation system is well conditioned or not.


2D/3D results


The stationary temperature distribution is a scalar 3D field which can be evaluated also on a 2D cut-plane.



Heat Flow Density

The stationary heat flow is a 3D vector field, which shows were heat is transferred inside a structure. This field can be evaluated also on a 2D cut-plane.



Heat Flow Values

The heat flow values for important elements of the simulation are listed in a text file. The total heat-flow entry shows the sum of all listed elements and describes how much power is transferred to all other regions of the structure. All values can be accessed also with the template based postprocessing.



See also

Thermal Stationary Solver, Post Processing Overview, Template Based Post Processing


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