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Create an Elliptical Cylinder

Modeling: ShapesCylinderElliptical Cylinder

In this dialog box you may specify the dimensions of an elliptical cylinder either numerically or by using expressions. The construction will always be performed in the currently active coordinate system.

Each elliptical cylinder will be assigned to a particular material in which all shapes will share the same material properties and colors.

The new elliptical cylinder is also associated to a certain component and is identified by a unique name within this component. The shape can be addressed by this name for subsequent editing operations.

As soon as the shape is defined it will appear in the main plot window and beneath the associated component in the navigation tree

The picture below shows an elliptical cylinder defined in global coordinates:




Specify the unique name for the elliptical cylinder.

Orientation: X/Y/Z/U/V/W

Specify the orientation of the elliptical cylinder axis along the currently active coordinate system. The axis must always be aligned with one of the coordinate axes. To define a cylinder axis which is not parallel to one of the coordinate axes you have to specify a local coordinate system for which one of its axes points into the desired direction.

According to the currently active coordinate system only either X/Y/Z (global coordinates) or U/V/W (local coordinates) will be shown in the dialog box.

Xradius, Yradius, Zradius

The base of the elliptical cylinder is defined on a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis (orientation). Specify valid expressions for the X/Y/Zradius settings to define the two radii of the ellipse in the base plane. According to the orientation only two of these settings will appear in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.

Xcenter, Ycenter, Zcenter

Specify valid expressions for the center coordinates of the elliptical cylinder base in the global coordinate system perpendicular to the cylinder axis. According to the orientation, only two of these entries will appear in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.

Xmin, Ymin, Zmin, Xmax, Ymax, Zmax

Specify valid expressions for the start and end coordinates of the elliptical cylinder along the orientation of the cylinder axis. According to the orientation only one pair of these settings (Xmin/Xmax, Ymin/Ymax or Zmin/Zmax) will be shown in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active

Uradius, Vradius, Wradius

The base of the elliptical cylinder is defined on a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis (orientation). Specify valid expressions for the U/V/Wradius settings to define the two radii of the ellipse in the base plane. According to the orientation only two of these settings will appear in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.

Ucenter, Vcenter, Wcenter

Specify valid expressions for the center coordinates of the elliptical cylinder base in the local coordinate system perpendicular to the cylinder axis. According to the orientation, only two of these entries will appear in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.

Umin, Vmin, Wmin, Umax, Vmax, Wmax

Specify valid expressions for the start and end coordinates of the elliptical cylinder along the orientation of the cylinder axis. According to the orientation only one pair of these settings (Umin/Umax, Vmin/Vmax or Wmin/Wmax) will be shown in the dialog box. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active


Specify a valid integer expression for the segmentation of the elliptical cylinder. The bottom and top will be divided into the specified number.


Choose a new component from the select list. You can also create a new component by typing the name of the new component.


Select the material to which this shape will be assigned from the list of previously defined materials or create a new material by selecting [New Material...]. You can also load a material from the material library by selecting [Load from Material Library...].


Press this button to finally create the elliptical cylinder.


Press this button to create a preview image of the elliptical cylinder. This option is very useful to check the settings before you actually create the shape.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Brick, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Torus, Analytical Face, Extrude Profile, Extrude Face, Rotate Profile, Rotate Face, Loft, Shell, Coordinate systems, Bond Wire .

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