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Preloaded Macros Overview

The installation of CST STUDIO SUITE contains a selection of preloaded global macros which are useful to automate a variety of common tasks:

File and Result Handling

File / Import Result Templates
The macro can import all result templates from another project into the current project.

Wizard / Archive Multiple Projects

The macro can be used to delete individual calculation results.

Wizard / Data Import Wizard offers a very powerful wizard for importing ASCII data.

Construction (=Structure) Macros

Construct / Coils
Various coil geometries can be defined using those macros.

Construct / Miscellaneous / Superconducting Cavity
This macro allows the definition of rotational symmetric cavities with ellipses as cross section, as used in most superconducting accelerators (e.g. Tesla)

Construct / Discrete Ports / Multiple Discrete Ports
This macro allows the definition of N discrete ports to a given ground plane, after having picked N points.

Construct / Vias / Vias from File list

    This macro allows the simple definition of vias from a file list.

Construct / Vias / Vias from Picks

    This macro allows the simple definition of vias from picked points.

Wizard / Via Wizard offers a very powerful tool to create all kind of via structures. MS Excel is required for it.


Creating Pictures, Videos and Reports

Report and Graphics / Save Image
This macro can save screen shots in many different file formats.

Report and Graphics / Save Video
This macro can store animations in several different file formats.

Report and Graphics / PowerPoint Presentation
This macro creates a PowerPoint presentation with some of the most important results of the simulation.

Report and Graphics / PowerPoint Slide
This macro adds the actual contents of the CST MWS drawing window to an open PowerPoint presentation.

Report and Graphics / Word Report
This macro creates a MS-Word document with some of the most important results of the simulation.

Example to control CST MWS from MS Excel 2000.

EMC and Farfield Macros

Solver / Monitors and Probes / Broadband Field Monitors
This macro defines a set of monitors for broadband analysis. This macro offers multiple monitor types.

Results / EMC / Calculate Broadband EMC-Norm
This macro evaluates the broadband behavior of maximum electric field strength ( V/m) in 3m and 10m distance of the structure.

Results / EMC / Renorm Probes+Voltages to EMC-Frequency Source
This macro performs a frequency scaling to all probe and voltage monitors.

Results / -Import and Export / Export Farfield in Grasp Export
This macro generates input data for Grasp, based on the current MWS simulation.

Solver / RCS / Calculate monostatic RCS
This macro can run a parameter sweep over plane wave incident angle theta, resulting in the RCS data versus theta.

Results / Farfield / Total Radiated Power (TRP)
This macro computes and displays the Total Radiated Power (TRP) of an antenna.


Results / Single-Ended / Single Ended S-Parameter
This macro transforms multiline Modes-S-Parameter into Single Ended S-Parameters.

Results / 1D Results / Measure resonances and Q-values from frequency data
This macro reads out the resonance values of the current 1D data plot including Q.

Results / 1D Results / Recalculate S-Parameter with new Frequency Sampling
This macro performs a recalculation of S-Parameters after a transient simulation with a new Frequency Sampling, e.g. to better resolve resonance peaks.

Time Signals

Results / Eye Diagram, TDR, etc / TDR Computation
This macro evaluates the impedance profile along a TEM or similar structure based on the reflected time signals at a port.

Results / Eye Diagram, TDR, etc / Exchange Excitation
This macro can be used to exchange the excitation signal without rerunning the simulation.

Results / Eye Diagram, TDR, etc / Eye Diagram
The macro generates an eye diagram based on an either randomly or user defined bit sequence.

Results / Eye Diagram, TDR, etc / TDR Cross-Probing
This macro helps to identify locations in the structure based on TDR impedance profile.

Postprocessing multiple simulations and running Parameter Sweeps

Wizard / Compare multiple runs
This wizard enables you to compare all kinds of 1D Result data from different simulations.

Wizard / Parameter + Mesh Study
This wizard performs a one- or multi-dimensional parameter sweep. (in addition to the built-in parameter sweep, this macro can also handle sophisticated cases such as a parameter sweep of optimizer runs)

Filter Analysis

Results / Filter Analysis / Tchebychev-Factors
The macro computes the g-values for a prototype low pass filter of type ”r;Tchebychev”.

Results / Filter Analysis / Smith Chart - Phase Rotation

    The macro performs a simple graphical rotation of the Smith-Chart data curve

Results / Filter Analysis / Group Delay Computation

    The macro performs the group delay computation for any S-parameter data and any mode pertinent to the port.


Calculate / Calculate analytical Line Impedance

   This macro calculates the analytical line impedance for the selected TEM Lines according to analytical formulas.

Wizard / Array Wizard

  This macro wizard is useful in designing planar arrays. Various operations are supported.

See also

Preloaded Result Templates

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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