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0D / 3D Eigenmode Result

Post Processing: Result TemplatesTemplate Based Post Processing

This template allows the extraction of certain 0D quantities which are related to a given eigenmode. Some of these quantities are fully described by the mode number (e.g. the eigenfrequency), others require the definition of an integration path / a subvolume or the transit time factor of a charged particle that interacts with the mode.


Note: by entering many mode-numbers (e.g. "1-10"), the results will be automatically extracted for all modes. As a result the template automatically switches to "1D" and a 1D table is generated in this case.


Result value

The 0D quantity of interest can be chosen from within this combo box. The different options are: Frequency, Q-Factor (Perturbation), Total Loss (Perturbation), Total Energy, R over Q, Shunt Impedance, Voltage, Q-Factor (lossy Eigenmode).

Frequency: Extracts the eigenfrequency of the mode.

Q-Factor (Perturbation):  Determines the internal Q-factor for the lossfree mode under the assumption that a perturbation method can be applied. For this operation the materials are no longer regarded as loss-free and their specific conductivities are taken from the settings formerly applied under Results->Loss and Q calculation.

Total Loss (Pert.,Aver.): Determines the average total loss for the lossfree mode under the assumption that a perturbation method can be applied. For this operation the materials are no longer regarded as loss-free and their specific conductivities are taken from the settings formerly applied under Results->Loss and Q calculation.

Total Energy: Determines the total energy stored in the eigenmode.

R over Q: Delivers the impedance vs. Q. This number is a loss independent characterization of cavity geometries.

Shunt Impedance: Calculates the shunt impedance by dividing voltage square by perturbation loss.

Voltage: Integrates the voltage along the given voltage integration path.

Q-Factor (lossy Eigenmode): Calculates the Q factor based on the complex eigenfrequency of a lossy eigenmode.

Q-Factor (external): Calculates the Q factor based on the external port losses of a eigenmode.

Q-Factor (loaded): Calculates the loaded Q factor (1/Q_loaded = 1/Q_external + 1/Q_pertubation).

Frequency (loaded): Calculates the frequency of the loaded resonator. Due to external coupling through ports, this loaded frequency is slightly shifted to the unloaded eigenfrequency, calculated via action Frequency.

Mode numbers

Defines which mode needs to be considered. It is possible to consider multiple modes with only one definition (e.g. "1-10")

Voltage Integration Range frame

Within this frame the start point and end point of a voltage path can be defined. Different resolutions controlling the numerical effort for the integration applied can be chosen. For those operations where a charged particle transiting the resonator is involved, the particle speed can be controlled.


Defines the orientation of a straight line that acts as a voltage integration path. This line has to be parallel to one of the coordinate system directions. Therefore the choice is restricted to X/Y/Z.

Xmin/Xmax, Ymin/Ymax, Zmin/Zmax

Only one pair of these settings is available at a time. Controls start point and end point of the line integration.


Two out of these three settings are available at a time. Defines the offset of the line integration path with respect to the axis of the coordinate system.

max. range

Enlarges the integration path to its maximum possible extent if the check-box is marked.


Coarse/Normal/Fine/Very Fine. These four sampling rates can be chosen within this combo box in order to control the numerical effort and accuracy of the integration.

Transit Time Factor

consider part. velocity

This check box specifies whether the particle鈥檚 velocity should be assumed as being the speed of light or a value different from this.


Defines the particle speed as a fraction of the speed of light. Only active if the consider part. velocity box is activated.


Visualizes the line integration path and the chosen sampling rate by red dots. This option is only available after evaluation of an voltage integral.


Delivers some further background information, once the operation has been performed. This option is only available after evaluation


This button completes the setup of the template. The new entry will be added to the list of templates which are executed automatically after each run. The default name of the template is set according to the settings, as long the name has not been changed manually.


Aborts the setup of the template and closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Preloaded Result Templates


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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