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Parameterizing Models

The structure definition as described in the Shape creation overview page requires the input of numerical expressions for the shape’s dimensions.

These expressions can be entered either by using the interactive shape creation tools using the mouse or by manually entering the corresponding dialog boxes.

Besides the direct input of numerical expressions, you can also enter expressions consisting of structure parameters.








The structure parameters may be defined in the Parameter List window (Use View: WindowWindowsParameter List to show the window ) where you also must assign numerical values to these parameters.

As previously mentioned, after a structure parameter has been defined, this parameter may be used in any numerical expression used for the shape generation.

The advantage of using parameters rather than entering dimensions numerically is that using parameters will allow you to change the structure’s dimensions without accessing each particular shape.

To change the structure assign a new value to the parameter and press Home: EditParametric Update ( ) to re-generate the structure with the new parameter value.

The usage of parameters becomes even more powerful when it is combined with the automatic optimization functionality.

Parameters could also be used for parameter sweeps and sensitivity analysis.

See also


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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