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Fixpoint (Edge Center) Creation Mode

Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Edge Center (while in Mesh View)

This mode allows you to modify the mesh generation by changing or creating userdefined fixpoints (blue dots) in a center point of an edge of your model. They are associated to the structure and enable advanced mesh control with fully parametric modeling.

The use of these fixpoints may be modified for each axis and they appear in the tree. As soon as a point is selected or created, it will be highlighted by a thick dot. The mesh plane will automatically flip to the location of the selected point.

Note: If automatic mesh generation is switched off, you may only create fixpoints with an absolute position that is used for all cartesian directions (red dots). Automatic mesh generation is recommended.

Entering this mode

To enter this mode you must first enter the Mesh View. Then, press the corresponding Pick button in the ribbon bar.

Cancel this mode

You may cancel this mode by pressing the ESC key.

Keep the pick mode

By default, the pick mode will be automatically exited when a point is selected. This behavior may be tedious when a sequence of points must be selected. To avoid the need for entering the pick mode again, you may choose Modeling: PicksPicks Keep Pick Mode (). The pick mode will then remain active until you cancel it as described abov

Selecting fixpoints

You may select a point by double-clicking on it. Please note that a point of an edge may also be picked when another shape than the edge belonging one is currently selected. The userdefined fixpoints (automesh mode only) may also be selected due to the Mesh Control Fix Points folder in the tree.

Creating fixpoints

While in automesh mode (Mesh: Mesh ControlGlobal Properties [Automatic mesh generation]), a new userdefined fixpoint will be created, if you select an automatically created fixpoint (red dot) or a position without any fixpoint defined. These userdefined fixpoints are marked as blue dots. Also you may change the usage of the fixpoint for the coordinate axes by Mesh: Mesh ControlFixpoint ListUse <x,y,z> Coordinate ( ). If a fixpoint is used for all axes, it is marked as a single dot. If it is only used for specific axes, it is indicated by a small line in the appropriate direction. If no axis is selected, the fixpoint is marked as a black dot and is not considered for automatic mesh generation. You may use this to disable automatically generated fixpoints.

Changing fixpoints

The selected fixpoints may be modified by Mesh: Mesh ControlFixpoint ListUse <x,y,z> Coordinate ( ) when selected.

Delete (a) fixpoint(s)

You may delete (a) selected fixpoint(s) by pressing the DELETE key or by selecting Delete Fixpoint(s) from the context menu.

List of fixpoints

You may obtain a list of all fixpoints by clicking on Mesh: Mesh ControlFixpoint List().

See also

Mesh View, Fixpoint (Line Endpoint), Fixpoint (Circle Center), Fixpoint (Circle Point), Fixpoint (Face Center), Fixpoint List

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