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Table Properties

Navigation Tree: Tables <Table Result> Table Properties

With this dialog box you may influence the plot of the parameter sweep results.

Plot type:

Here, you can change the plot type. It can be chosen between three options: Cartesian, Polar and Smith Chart. Selecting one of those options has the same effect as clicking the corresponding Icon in the plot toolbar. If Complex is chosen, you have to specify a second data set for non-complex tables. This second set may be selected in the "Complex Table Settings" dialog box that shows up when pressing the Complex... button.

If Smith Chart is chosen, you have to specify an additional second and third data set, which may also be selected in the "Complex Table Settings" dialog box, accessible by pressing the Smith Chart... button.

Plot mode:

Parametric: In this plot mode, all results are plotted versus the varying parameter defined in Curve set parameter. All other parameters are listed by their Parameter names in the table below and have fixed values, as shown in the Selected value fields. These fields are drop-down lists that allow you to change these fixed values.

All: All results for all different parameters are plotted in one graph.

Tune: Choose this mode if you want to visualize the influence of different parameters to the result. Therefore, only one result curve is plotted at one time. In the table below, all parameters are listed by their Parameter names together with their Selected values. These fixed values can be changed either by selecting a new value from the corresponding drop-down list or by moving the Tune slider.

Run ID: All results for all different parameter combinations are plotted in one graph together with the corresponding Run ID.

Please note that the values belonging to the plotted curve are indicated in the Actual value column and usually are identical to the selected values. If, however, some parameter combinations are not available, it is possible that changing one parameter to a new value will cause other parameters to diverge from their selected values  to find a suitable result curve.

Curve set parameter:

Here the varying parameter for the plot may be selected. All other values are held fixed to the values shown in the table. This combo box will only be active for a Parametric plot mode.

Note: Only those parameters will be shown that have been defined for the parameter sweep. The values of the parameters can be changed by double-clicking on the desired row. Parameters that depend on the values of other parameters are not shown in this list.


This button is visible only if the plot mode has been set to Polar Complex. It opens the Complex Table Settings dialog box that allows you to choose two result tables to define a pair of results that form the complex values.

Smith Chart...

This button is visible only if the plot mode has been set to Smith Chart. It opens the Complex Table Settings dialog box that allows you to choose two additional result tables. One to define a pair of results that form the complex values. The other as reference impedance for the Smith Chart plot

To Current

Set all table parameters to the current parameter values of the project.


Allows you to export the contents of the currently selected table in the Export Table Data dialog. The results of all parameter combinations will be exported.

Apply parameter settings to all compatible tables

Change the parameter settings of all 0D or 1D tables which depend on the same parameter set.

Show all mesh passes

This option is available for plot modes All and Run ID. It will show all intermediate mesh pass results if there are any. If it is unchecked, only the final mesh pass results of an adaptive mesh refinement will be shown.


Accepts the changes, updates the plots and closes the dialog box.


Accepts the changes and updates the plots.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also:

Export Table Data, Complex Table Settings

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