Result types
The results of an evaluation of a field along a curve can be accessed from this entry. |
Creating user defined tree items
It is possible to define user-defined result folders. To do so, select the 1D Result Folder and open the context menu. You will find the following:
New Tree Folder: Creates a user defined subfolder in the selected 1D result folder
Copy: Copies a 1D result curve to the clipboard. You may also press CTRL+C after having selected the desired curve.
Paste: Pastes a previously copied result into a user defined folder. You may also press CTRL+V to paste the previously copied curve into the chosen user defined folder. Also CTRL+V pastes the copied data into various other programs such as Microsoft EXCEL or any ASCII editor.
When selecting a user defined folder some more actions are available:
Scale Result Curve(s): Scale curve(s) enables to scale the x and y axis.
Import Result Curve From ASCII file: Use Import Curve From ASCII file to add two column ASCII data to the project.
See also
Post Processing Views, Navigation Tree Overview, 1D Plot Overview, 1D Plot Properties