List of Fixpoints

Mesh: Mesh Control Fixpoint List

This list contains the coordinates of all fixpoints used for the current mesh. By default, they are generated automatically; you may, however, modify them manually as well. In this case, the automatic mesh generation will be switched off. A dialog box will ask you to confirm the switch of the automatic mesh generation.


Lets you define a new fixpoint by giving its absolute or relative coordinates. If no fixpoint is selected, enter the absolute values. If a fixpoint was previously selected, you may enter the coordinates of the new fixpoint relative to it.

Please note that even if you manually set fixpoints,  the settings in the Mesh Property dialog still influence the mesh!


This button is enabled only if two fixpoint coordinates in the list are selected. Then, you may define the number of fixpoints to be created between these two points.


Is active only if a fixpoint is selected. This function deletes the selected fixpoint as well as the density point at that location, if one exists.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh View, Mesh Properties