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Coated Material

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialType: PEC Coated Material

This dialog offers the possibility of defining coating materials for the actual material.

The material defined in row 1 is the nearest to the solid.

Material name

The name of the coating material. The type of this must be 'Normal'.


The thickness of the coating material.

Rotation angle

The rotation angle column will be visible only for the thin panel material. The angle is in degrees and applies for layers composed of anisotropic or wire mesh material. An angle of zero, aligns the first principle axis of the anisotropic material (the axis for which epsr_x, mur_x, sigma_x etc. apply) with the u basis-vector of the local coordinate system attached to the body. A positive angle rotates the material axis towards the v basis-vector of the local coordinate system. The epsr_y, mur_y etc. will be used for the perpendicular direction (in the plane of the material) and epsr_z etc. won't be used at all. To rotate the whole stack of layers together, the local coordinate system (u, v, w vectors) should be rotated.


Moves the actual selected coating material one row up.


Moves the actual selected coating material one row down.


Creates space for a new coating material at the actual selected position in the grid.


Deletes the coating material at the actual marked position in the grid.


Accepts the input and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Material Parameters: Material Overview (HF)

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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