Special Solver Parameters - Steady State
Solver Start Simulation Specials Steady State
Maximum solver duration
Number of pulses:
This number limits the maximal simulation
time. This limit is calculated by multiplying the given number with the
Gaussian pulse width that is used as stimulation signal. This pulse width
depends on the frequency range resp. total time addressed
by the reference excitation signal.
Time: This
number limits the maximal simulation time.
Propagation distance:
This number is used to calculate the
maximal simulation time by dividing it with the speed of light.
Normally the simulation time should not reach
this limit. It should be stopped automatically by the steady-state test. You can set the accuracy
for the steady state test in the solver dialog box. This test considers
the energy decay and also the decay of the port mode amplitudes. Both
criteria together determine the abort of the simulation.
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any
further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Frequency range, Signals
in Time Domain Simulations Overview,
Special Solver Parameters: Waveguide, AR-Filter, Material, Solver, General
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