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Parameter Sweep Parameter

Home: Simulation Par. Sweep New Par/Edit

Home: Simulation Start Simulation Par. Sweep   New Par/Edit

Home: Simulation Start Simulation Par. Sweep New Par/Edit

Home: Simulation Start Simulation Par. Sweep New Par/Edit

Define a parameter for the sweep.


Here the name of the new parameter is listed. If you have entered the dialog via the New Par... button, you may also specify the name.


The value of the parameter if Sweep is disabled, or the first value if it is enabled


Enable or disable a sweep for this parameter. If it is disabled, the given parameter value will be fix for the entire sequence.


This parameter is enabled only if Sweep is enabled. It specifies the maximum value that the parameter will reach during the sweep.


This parameter is enabled only if Sweep is enabled. It specifies the number of samples of the parameter for a sequence. It must be at least 2 to allow a simulation for the From and the To parameter values. For a value greater than two, the parameter will change for every step by the amount of To-From/(Steps-1).


Stores the current settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

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