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Define S-Parameter Goal

Please not that S-Parameter goals cannot be defined any more. When you open a project which contains S-Parameter goals, then they will be converted automatically to a corresponding 1D Result Template Goal.

In this dialog box you may define for one S-Parameter goal which part of the S-Parameter data is evaluated while the optimizer is running. In addition, you may define how the data will be evaluated. Please notice that if the transient solver is used with the online AR-Filter switched on, the predicted S-Parameters of the filter will automatically be taken into account if they are available.

Type frame

You may select the kind of data being evaluated by the optimizer.

Mag. (linear): Selects the S-Parameter magnitude data in linear representation.

Mag. (dB): Selects the S-Parameter magnitude in dB representation.

Phase: Selects the S-Parameter phase

Output frame

Select the output port and mode of the S-Parameter out of the respective drop list.

Input frame

Select the stimulation port and mode of the S-Parameter out of the respective drop list.

Conditions frame

Operator: You may select an operator from this drop-down list. The operator effects the way the data is being evaluated during an optimization run. Currently, seven different operators are available for the S-Parameter goal

min: The optimizer tries to minimize the S-Parameter data. Minimizing the S-Parameter data means that the optimizer tries to find a parameter setting where the maximum of the S-Parameters over the given frequency range is as low as possible.

max: The optimizer tries to maximize the S-Parameter data. Maximizing the S-Parameter data means that the optimizer tries to find a parameter setting where the minimum of the S-Parameters over the given frequency range is as high as possible.

<: This operator is similar to ”min.. The optimizer tries to find a parameter setting where the maximum of the S-Parameters over the given frequency range is lower than the given target. If the target is 0.0 and the S-Parameter magnitude data is selected for evaluation the ”min” and ”<” operators are equivalent.

>: This operator is similar to ”max." The optimizer tries to find a parameter setting where the minimum of the S-Parameters over the given frequency range is higher than the given target. If the target is 1.0 and the S-Parameter magnitude data is selected for evaluation the ”max” and ”>” operators are equivalent.

=: You should use this operator if you want the S-Parameter data become as close as possible to the given target value within the given frequency range.

move min: Use this operator if you want to minimize the distance of the minimum of the S-Parameter magnitude to a given frequency. (Does only apply to S-Parameter magnitude data with the total or a limited frequency range).

move max: Use this operator if you want to minimize the distance of the maximum of the S-Parameter magnitude to a given frequency. (Does only apply to S-Parameter magnitude data with the total or a limited frequency range).

Target: Enter the target value for the ”<”, ”>” and ”=” operators here.

Frequency: Enter the target frequency for the ”move min” and ”move max” operators here.

Weight: Enter the weight of this goal here.

Frequency range frame

Total: Set the frequency range to the frequency range defined in the Frequency Range Settings dialog box.

Single: Set the single frequency value. The optimizer will evaluate the S-Parameter data only at this frequency point.

Range: Set the frequency range. The lower and upper boundaries are given by the values defined in the Frequency Range Settings dialog box.


Stores the current settings and returns to the Optimizer - Goals property page. The newly defined goal is added to the list of defined goals in the Optimizer - Goals property page.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Optimizer Overview

Optimizer: Goals


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